1:1 Yoga Therapy
1:1 Yoga Therapy
Mental and physical health conditions may be an indication that you are not living in alignment with your true, authentic self. How you live can bring you out of balance and immobilise your body's natural healing processes.
Within you is the power to heal yourself.
Discover how Yoga can be used to unlock that power within, through 1:1 Yoga Therapy tailored to your unique circumstance.
Practices which may comprise your exclusive 1:1 sessions include meditation, breathwork, mindfulness, sound therapy, yoga asana, movement therapy, energy healing, sleep, stress management, authentic expression, nature connection, nutrition, and more.
If you feel called to heal yourself, book a free consultation with Hayley to tailor your unique Yoga Therapy Package.
For each session we allow 90 minutes, allowing time to chat and ground before and after the session. To receive the most out your these 1:1 sessions, we offer block sessions of either 3, 7 or 10 sessions, or more. However, we do also offer one-off sessions. Contact us if you are unsure which option would best serve you.
The exchange of 1:1 Yoga Therapy starts at £50* per session, but is unique to your individual package.
*Contact us for a low income exchange.
Our not-for-profit ethos means that any profit generated from Pachamama offerings goes to empowering your local community. We thank you for sharing the love.